Saturday, February 23, 2008

Today was a Jazz Band Festival at MSU; there were a number of area bands that came in town to compete. Here is our high school band Christopher plays in:

Getting ready.

(Chris is the 2nd trombone from the left.)
He had a short solo in during the first song and did very well!!
The had an awesome gal that sang 2 songs with them; she really belted them out!!

At the end of the day before they gave out the awards, the MSU Jazz Band played some songs for us with their guest performer, Tony Garcia.

Their pianist also sang as well and she was very good!! (for my brother, yes, that is Jerry Hoover standing next to her)

They all did a fantastic job, but unfortunately didn't place. Of course I'm going to be bias and say that they SHOULD have placed, but compared to the others I really thought they sounded better. Another local school also beat them (but I won't say who because I really don't want any 'hate comments' from angry parents) but I really thought we had performed better. (And in tune!!!)

There is a concert tomorrow at the school featuring the concert and jazz band, so I'm hoping to get some video. It's hard to believe that all these end-of-the-year contests and concerts will be Christopher's last!!

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