Monday, February 11, 2008


I think that sounds like a superhero name....."Here he comes to ruin your day!!!.....THUNDERSLEET!!!" However, that is what we are experiencing in southwest Missouri this fine Monday morning.....

I got up extra early so I could be sure and be at work on time; Billy volunteered to take me and we got there around 7:25 only to find out we were CLOSED!! We have a 'phone-call' system, but I guess that didn't work this morning! There were 4 others that were there as well, and apparently hadn't heard the closing on the news either. Luckily everybody else did, but I don't think they made a decision until around 7:00 which is kind of late considering we have several who live outside of Springfield and are usually on the way by that time. Oh well....tomorrow is also a holiday for the State offices (Lincoln Day), so I get an extra day off this week!!

So here I am; listening to the freezing rain hit the windows, the lightning and thunder, eating a hot pocket and drinking hot raspberry tea. Hopefully we won't lose power.

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