Monday, February 11, 2008

Well, so far so good. Our lights have flickered a few times this afternoon, and awhile ago I heard a transformer blow somewhere in our neighborhood, but so far we still have power.

The sleet/freezing rain stopped around 2:00, but at 5:00 has started up again. They say it will continue through the evening, so it wouldn't surprise me if we did end up losing power.

The dishwasher was full of dirty dishes so I started it in hopes it will get through the whole cycle in case we do lose power. (I really didn't want to handwash them; I guess I'm kinda spoiled, huh?) I also made sure and turn on the garbage disposal; you forget about all those little things when you have no electricity! We do have a generator from the last ice storm, so at least we have a backup for heat if needed.

So here I sit; with my mixed nuts, iced tea and police scanner. It's always good to know who is still dumb enough to drive around drunk and get pulled over and arrested. People still beat each other up too. Which means we will have more business in our office on Wednesday. I guess they think the police are too busy helping motorists get out of ditches and such. I can also hear where the trees around town are down and who still needs a bus ride somewhere. Billy has been at the office all day 'catching up' on things since he was unable to go in on Friday due to still being sick. But he loves this stuff.

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