Thursday, July 10, 2008

A Post About Posters

Well, there has been lots of talk about, um, 'posters' this week in my neck of the woods, so I thought I would dedicate this post to posters of the past. Hold on to your monkeys, here we go:

You know, I tried to remember if I had any posters on my walls as a kid, and I think I had some of those 'kitten' ones. I know my brother used to have one of Lady Godiva, but even if I had found a picture of it, I couldn't have posted it. For obvious reasons. He also had a blacklight at one time and one of those 'velvet' type posters. Why is it that I can remember what my brother had in HIS room, but not my own???

I thought at one time my sister and I had a really cool 7UP poster that was a big butterfly, but couldn't find a pic of that one either. Oh well...I hope you've enjoyed this trip down memory lane. And just remember, life is let's BOOGIE!!!


Mom said...

Boy, you do have good memory, Chey's Hillcrest blue in his room, the window shade..Let's Boogie..your mom doesn't remember too many posters in your's and Becky's room, maybe Becky can remember.

Mom Bike

SuperJediMom said...

That reminds me that I need to add all the Jaws movies to my Netflix list. Thanks for the reminder! :-) The PB&J French Toast Recipe is on my blog... because it's Fabulously Fantastic Food Friday!