Sunday, January 27, 2008

Well, I'm still alive. I made it through my first night of leading Children's Choir. It made me nervous that the other director was there to help; but everything went rather smoothly. We are in a different room now, and I'm not used to some of the 'technical' gadgets. But the kids went out with a smile, so that made me feel a little better.

Speaking of feeling better, I wish I could get rid of these pesky cold/allergy episodes. Seems like every few weeks I get a scratchy throat, stuffy nose, and cough. I've even started taking a multi-vitamin recently, but that hasn't seemed to help. I've noticed as I get older, my allergies get worse. And mine are not just during Spring or Fall, it's ALL year round. And nothing I take really seems to help. It's probably all the dust flying around in my house. Someday maybe we can afford to have our ducts cleaned, but until then I'll just keeping sneezing and wheezing.

Have a great week!!

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