Thursday, January 24, 2008

One of my many pet peeves is tailgating. I mean people tailgating ME. This morning, on the way to work, I had some sort of black SUV tailgating me. There was no reason for this. I even had to go 5 miles over the posted speed limit to keep them from running into my back bumper. They finally changed lanes. Then I had to change lanes so I could turn at my appropriate street. That made me front of them again. They turned on the same street I did. Darn! Finally when the road split into 4 lanes, they zoomed around me. Then I felt sorry for the person who was in front of them.

I try not to follow too closely behind a vehicle because if they have to stop really fast, that means I have to stop faster, and if I don' deductible!!

I had another interview today for a job I would REALLY like to have; and I've decided I don't like interviews. I tend to say the same answers over and over....and end up sounding really, really dumb. And one of my interviewers (a Judge who was at my LAST interview) asked me if I had any children. What's that got to do with the job I'm applying for??? He must of thought I looked REALLY young and had babies at home or something and thought that would keep me from fulfilling my duties. Yeah...I'm sure that's why he asked me. I find out tomorrow if I succeeded or not.

1 comment:

Mom said...

I think some judges forget that people grow up and become adults. But it was a compliment if he thought you still had children at home, even though Chris is there he is not consider a child but a grown man with childest motives.
