Saturday, October 13, 2007

Well, the band didn't place, but in this competition, you almost HAVE to have a LARGE band (150 or more) to even get the judge's attention. They go by school size, which means you may only have 100 in your band, but another school the same size may have 200 in their band. But you're still placed in the same division together. We watched a band from the St Louis area with only 26 members compete against bands with over 150. They were definitely the 'underdog', and although they didn't make enough points to place, I bet they got the biggest applause just by being brave enough to get out there and do their show!! (And the ironic thing is, they played most of the same songs our band played last year!!)

I will post pics as soon as I can get my hubby to download them for me. =)

1 comment:

Mom said...

I really enjoyed watching the bands. Hillcrest did a good job but as you said when you have 12 flutes, lots and lots of horns you don't stand a chance against all odds. As for that small St. Louis band it took guts to get on the field and play. I did enjoy the day.
