Tuesday, December 16, 2008


Today is my Grandpa's birthday. He would have been 90 yrs old. I'm been thinking about him alot lately whenever I make oatmeal. You see, he would have a bowl of instant oatmeal every morning with a cinnamon roll. However, he never could seem to get the hang of his microwave, so instead of just cooking it for 2 minutes or so, he would set it for 5 minutes; every time. So not only did his oatmeal get extra cooked, it also boiled over!

Then came the cinnamon roll. He would put it on a plate, and set the timer for 5 minutes again. By the time it was done, the icing had completely dissolved into a pile of goo and ended up on the glass microwave plate.

No matter how many times we tried to show him how many minutes to set, or how many notes we put up by the microwave, he just didn't want to change the way he did it. So when I would go over for lunch, I would always pull that plate out of the microwave and scrape all the icing and oatmeal off. Sometimes you could get the rest of the microwave clean, sometimes not. Do you realize that oatmeal becomes concrete once it cools down??

SO, it makes me chuckle when I remember how Grandpa made oatmeal. I wonder if they have peach-flavored oatmeal in heaven?



Mom said...

Thanks Gina for the tribute to Dad. I miss him too. I am going to miss the the Christmas bow he always put on his forehead when he unwrapped his gift. How he loved his candy and loved his neighbours.

mom bike

STERLING said...

Gina,I wish that I had your blogging ability...The thing that I miss the most is his garage, the smell of the cigs and the cedar tree that he threw his butts into! The older I get(yeah grandma GINA!)the more I have big Ed's voice down, I drive mom crazy with it. O by the way were having a warm spell here with 80 degree temps. Rode the bike last night in a sleeveless jersey. keep up the blog, love ya.

Anonymous said...

love the blog Gina.

SuperJediMom said...

I remember when we would go over on Sunday afternoons after church and watch Macgyver while eating Sunday lunch. Also I can't ever hear the Andy Griffith show theme without thinking about him and how he always had all the people in the credits over for dinner last week.

I wish we had more of those quirky things that he did on tape.