Friday, June 27, 2008

Atlanta- Day 2 & 3

It was our final conference day at the Chick-Fil-A headquarters, so thought I would post some pictures of inside the building.

The infamous "cow".
The owner has lots of antique cars...including.....

the BATMAN car!! Billy is actually talking to Chris and telling him about the car.

This was just outside the front doors; the whole building is surrounded by trees.

We met up with a friend that Billy met on the internet while playing the game 'Travian', and we ate at this restaurant. The desserts looked scrumptous!! (although after dinner we were too stuffed to try any!)

Here is Roy.....the monkey is a different story.

Saturday Billy is taking an additional session on becoming certified to be a teacher of the "Habitudes" curriculum that is authored by Tim Elmore. So I will be 'vegging' out at the hotel all day. Hopefully it won't rain and I can actually go swimming! It has been a great couple of days and I even have learned some things that will help me at my job.

1 comment:

Mom said...

Chick Fil A is quite a building. I did not know Mr. Cathy was into antique cars. I had to wear a paper cow hat Friday, I had so many laughs, looks good, kids loved it, and a gentlemen came up to me and handed me a cut out board of a cow semilar to the one on display, so the manager took a picture of me and the gentlemen and two ladies and I think he is going to send it to the company and it may be in their magazine who knows. I am glad you are having fun and learning at the same time. See you when you get back.

Mom Bike