Sunday, February 15, 2009's been a little bit since my last post. So let's see...this is what I've (we've) done since my last post:

--Watched grandkids twice while daughter took son-in-law to E.R. and found out he had pneumonia.
--I joined the handbell group at church.
--We had to take 1 of our 2 vehicles to the shop 3 times for a bad heater core.
--Watched grandkids so daughter & son-in-law could unpack some more boxes.
--Sat in our house oblivious to the fact that a F-1 tornado was 'skipping' through the southern part of the city (and fairly close to the BSU!).
--I went with my sister and mom to Branson for a little shopping and eating.
--Billy & I celebrated Valentine's Day at Rib Crib and watching Madagascar: Escape to Africa.
--I discovered that not playing handbells for the past 5 yrs can cause sore arms!
--Had chinese for dinner.
--Got papers together for getting our taxes done.
--Made german chocolate cookies and pnut butter cookies.
--Went to a great-nephew's birthday party.
--Got great big hugs from my 2 granddaughters!

Well...I think that's about it. Sometimes I think my week is pretty boring, but once I make a list, I discover it really wasn't!!

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