Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Well, Billy is still in Georgia, doing very well and having a great time enjoying 'southern food'. No, that's not all he's doing there, but I bet he's still enjoying it just the same. (actually I think he's enjoying the fact that there is a Starbucks right next to his hotel, so he's got to enjoy that every morning, afternoon, and evening....)

Speaking at Calvary Baptist Church in Tifton, GA on Sunday morning.

It had been uneventful here at home until Chris decided to play with a broken CD on Sunday night around 10:00 and slice his finger open. So other than an unexpected trip to the E.R. (his FIRST time ever!), we've been doing pretty good on our own. Luckily he didn't need stitches.

Our church is seeking a new music minister, and this weekend he is coming in to 'visit' and talk with the congregation. He will lead the services on Sunday morning and evening as well. Our pastor is very excited about this possibly being the person for the job. The choir gets to meet him on Saturday morning for a 'get-to-know-you' brunch.

I guess that's about it for now....hope everybody is doing well!!


Natalie said...

Glad Chris wasn't hurt too badly. I can't imagine having never been to the ER with him! Wow! Jacob has been twice, Erica twice, and Will once. I don't think Anna Grace has ever been...yet.

Gina said...

Hey...who's that good-lookin' guy in the picture?? =)